CancerInfo Center
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Popular Diabetes Rx May Not Cut Bladder Cancer Risk
Widely given to patients with type 2 diabetes, metformin has been linked to reducing the risk for many types of cancers. The medication, however, may not be effective against one certain cancer.
Diabetes Medications May Impact Cancer Risks
People with type 2 diabetes have higher cancer risks than the general population. The link may have to do with how diabetes affects the metabolism. Diabetes medications may also figure into the equation.
Diabetes Drugs Cut Colon Cancer Risk
There are many factors to think about when prescribing drugs to diabetes patients. One of these factors is the cancer risk of a particular drug; or in some cases, the cancer-preventing powers of that drug.
Diabetes Drugs With Highest Bladder Cancer Risks
If you have diabetes, you’ve heard the news about bladder cancer risks and a popular medicine. A new study shows that some common diabetes drugs don’t have the same cancer risks.
More Studies Find Bladder Cancer Risk
People with type 2 diabetes have an elevated risk of several types of cancer, including liver and pancreatic cancer. The use of one diabetic medication increases the risk of another form of cancer.
New Guidance on Actos or Takeda
If you've been taking Actos or Takeda for more than a year to control your type 2 diabetes, you will want to be in touch with your family physician or endocrinologist. A link with bladder cancer has been discovered.
Sales of Diabetes Drugs Stopped Due to Bladder Cancer Risks
Actos and Competact, two top-selling type 2 diabetes drugs, have been pulled off the markets in France and Germany following studies linking the medications to bladder cancer.