CancerInfo Center
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Avastin Gets FDA Approval for New Use
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new use for the cancer medication Avastin (bevacizumab), according to biotechnology company Genentech.
Using Ovarian Tumor Type to Predict Rx Benefit
Customizing treatments based on a patient’s genetics has led to more effective cancer treatments. Now, researchers have reported using ovarian cancer tumor types to predict how much one medication might benefit patients.
Rx Combo Showed Promise for Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer is the second most common cancer of the female reproductive organs. It's common for this cancer to return after initial treatment, but two therapies used together may help fight this cancer.
Adding Avastin Improved Cervical Cancer Survival
Pap smears have dramatically reduced cervical cancer rates in the US, but this cancer remains a huge problem for women around the world. A new study found a way to help cervical cancer patients live longer.
Living Longer With Aggressive Brain Cancer
Senator Edward Kennedy had a seizure in May of 2008, was diagnosed with brain cancer soon thereafter and died 15 months later. That’s the typical timeline for people diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme.
How Researchers Wiped Out Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Triple-negative breast cancer is a fast-growing form of the disease that tends to return (recur). But a fresh therapeutic approach was found to be capable of eliminating the disease altogether.
Powerwashing HER2+ Breast Cancer
HER2-positive breast cancer is an aggressive disease that thankfully can be treated with targeted therapies. A new combination regimen was successful in keeping patients in a recent trial disease free.
Debate Over Brain Cancer Rx Continues
Avastin (bevacizumab) is approved to treat a number of different cancers, including the most common form of brain cancer. A newly released study looked at how long people with the disease lived before and after this medication's approval.
Rx Doesn’t Help Brain Cancer
Avastin (bevacizumab) treats a number of different cancers, including advanced brain cancer. A recent study looked to see if this medication was effective as an initial therapy.
Months More of Life
Any time the word “advanced” goes before a type of cancer, that’s not good. Advanced cancers have either spread, come back or no longer respond to therapy.