CancerInfo Center
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Cancer Rx Prices Too High!
Today, people with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) are leading pretty much normal lives. They can thank a variety of medications for being alive.
New Leukemia Rx Hits Market
Folks living with two types of blood cancer have new choices as of today. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved Iclusig ( ponatinib ) to treat chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ) and Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia ( Ph + ALL).
Attacking Leukemia Resistance
Chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ) is a tricky cancer because it can respond well to initial therapy, but then that drug sometimes stops working. The same thing can happen when different – second-line – drugs are used. The reason for this is that the disease tends to keep changing or mutating.
New Chronic Leukemia Drug Approved
A new medication for chronic myelogenous leukemia ( CML ) has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.
Treatment Options for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ) has a number of treatment options. And those options may be expanding in the near future. A drug still being investigated shows positive results in treating newly diagnosed CML patients.