CancerInfo Center
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Cholesterol Meds May Lower Cancer Deaths
Cholesterol lowering medications called statins are among the most commonly prescribed medicines in the US. New research is suggesting these medications may lower more than cholesterol in prostate cancer patients.
Statins + Aspirin Cut Cancer Death Risks
Statins are medications that help with high cholesterol. Along with pain relief, aspirin reduces inflammation. These two medications together may provide important benefits for women with endometrial cancer.
Rx May Lower Prostate Cancer Mortality
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. Fortunately, it’s not a fatal cancer for most men. New research has found that one medication that’s used to lower cholesterol may also lower prostate cancer deaths.
Statins May Reduce Liver Cancer Risks
Statins have been around for years to help lower cholesterol. Research has suggested that these medicines may help prevent cancer. A new study supports the mounting evidence.