CancerInfo Center

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Rx to Prevent Bone Loss May Have Other Benefits
Bisphosphonates are a class of medications commonly used to prevent bone loss and osteoporosis. Now, it seems these medications might have an additional benefit: protection against certain cancers.
Jaw Dropping Cancer Therapy Side Effects
Medications that fight cancer are designed to extend life. Some medicines, though, have serious side effects that can appear years after treatment. A new study looked at bone loss side effects of one medication.
Which Bone Metastasis Drug Is Better?
When breast cancer spreads to the bones, various drugs are available to control the disease. This class of drugs is called biophosphonates . A manufacturer-funded study suggests its drug is better than others.
The Bone Rx - Cancer Link
A class of drugs known as bisphosphonates has received some bad press lately. These drugs, used to strengthen bones and treat bone metastasis, are linked with a number of health conditions. The association with cancer has expanded.
Breaking News on Bone Drugs
They're designed to strengthen bones. This class of drugs known as bisphosphorates is also prescribed to cancer patients to treat excessive calcium in the blood. These drugs can actually increase the risks of unusual bone fractures.
No Bone Drug Better Than Another
Multiple myeloma  is a cancer of the blood cells. It grows in the bone marrow, and can cause long bones like the thigh bone (femur) and bones in the spine to break. Drug therapy with a class of drugs can help to prevent these fractures.