Acqueous Cream No Bueno For Eczema

Eczema treated by acqueous cream

(RxWiki News) In the United Kingdom, Aqueous Cream BP is prescribed and recommended often for the treatment of eczema. A recent London pharmacy school study indicates that aqueous cream can be counterproductive when treating eczema.

Diar Mohammed, research author from The School of Pharmacy, University of London suggests imagining the skin’s protective layer as a castle wall with mortar type structure. The areas treated with aqueous cream have bricks that are smaller and not shaped as well.

"Eczema patients from the UK should stop using Aqueous Cream BP."

At the same time a patient has applied the aqueous cream the ‘wall’ is being attacked by enzymes eating away at its very structure, which results in a weaker barrier in the wall. So, instead of helping eczema, this cream actually makes it worse on both the cellular and molecular level. The skin wall collapses and causes more pain and suffering.

Mohammed recommends discontinuing the use of Aqueous Cream. Even though it is the UK’s cheapest and most frequently prescribed cream, the results do not justify continuing use.

Dr. Majella Lane, also of The School of Pharmacy, University of London adds that new evidence has finally shown exactly why prescribing Aqueous Cream to treat eczema is counterproductive. He goes on to encourage consumers to find alternative therapies for eczema.

Lane adds that the detergent sodium lauryl sulphate in Aqueous Cream has been deemed causal of many of the issues the study has identified. The presence of this key ingredient is often not clearly marketed and there should be far more explicit labeling.

Professor Jonathan Hadgraft, Emeritus Professor of Biophysical Chemistry concludes that regardless of an increasing consensus that Aqueous Cream harms the skin, it continues to be prescribed. Now there is clear evidence regarding how this cream can only make matters worse.

At this time, this crean is not marketed in the US.

Reviewed by: 
Review Date: 
June 8, 2011
Last Updated:
June 14, 2011