Number of Vaping-Related Injuries On the Rise

Health officials update number of lung injury cases related to e-cigs

(RxWiki News) The number of lung injuries related to electronic cigarette use continues to rise.

Earlier this month, the number of reported lung injury cases tied to vaping jumped to 1,299. In addition, 26 deaths had been confirmed in 21 states.

As of Oct. 15, 2019, the number of lung injury cases tied to vaping had jumped to 1,479, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These cases were reported from 49 states (all except Alaska), the District of Columbia and the US Virgin Islands. Thirty-three deaths had been confirmed in 24 states, the CDC reported.

Among the patients who provided information on the substances used in their e-cigarette (vaping) products, 31 percent reported only using THC-containing products, and 78 percent in total reported using THC-containing products (with or without nicotine-containing products).

The majority of these patients were male and younger than 35.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) strongly urged consumers to not use vaping products containing THC. In addition, the FDA advised against adding any substances to or modifying e-cig products bought in a store, such as adding THC or other oils. Furthermore, the FDA strongly advised against buying vaping products off of the street.

The FDA encouraged those who will continue using vape products to monitor for symptoms and seek immediate medical attention if there is any concern. Symptoms may include but are not limited to difficulty breathing, chest pain and shortness of breath.

The FDA noted that this is an ongoing investigation. Speak with your health care provider if you have any questions.

Written by Anyssa Garza, PharmD, BCMAS

Last Updated:
November 5, 2019