Schools Learn to Cope with Suicide

Schools and Parents will be getting the resources, information and guidance they need to cope with suicide.

(RxWiki News) Suicide can affect a family, peers and a community. A suicide occurring within a school community can shock the school to its core. During this time, emotions can be extreme and pain can be felt. One doesn't have to cope with a suicide tragedy alone; tools and resources are available to assist the coping process.

A new toolkit has been established to provide schools with the appropriate information for helping peers cope with the loss of a classmate to educating on what to do if a student is showing signs of suicidal thought.

"There is always someone to talk to."

If you are thinking of hurting yourself or concerned that someone you know is, help is always available.

Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), recognizes this and is providing schools with After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools .The toolkit was developed by a group of clinicians and crisis response professionals and is based on scientific research and practices. The kit includes information on warning signs for suicide, possible causes for suicide. It also includes informational resources for counseling services and hotlines.

The Study

  • Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), are two national recognized organization focused on suicide prevention Parents and teachers should be on the lookout for signs such as depression, anxiety and substance abuse.
  • Loss by suicide leaves the survivors asking why and never getting the closure that they need. However, the toolkit recommends not romanticizing suicide.
  • The toolkit is free and available online.
Last Updated:
May 2, 2011