12 Celebrities with Mental Illnesses
Demi said she first had symptoms of eating disorders when she was 8 years old. As an adult, she has come to support those who are also going through tough circumstances by contributing to organizations like City of Hope, a cancer center that focuses on research and prevention strategies for cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening diseases.
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Review Date:
December 3, 2013Citation:
National Institute of Mental Health, "Statistics" Huffington Post, "Demi Lovato Joins National Eating Disorders Awareness Week" dailyRx, "Bulimia Nervosa" International Business Times, "Amanda Bynes Diagnosed with Schizophrenia" dailyRx, "Schizophrenia" The Sydney Morning Herald, "Mel opens up, but ever so fleetingly" dailyRx, "Bipolar Disorder" Esperanza, "Role reversal" dailyRx, "Depression" ADDitude Magazine, "ADHD Parenting Advice from Michael Phelps' Mom" dailyRx, "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)" Huffington Post, "Catherine Zeta-Jones Checks Into Mental Health Facility" dailyRx, "What is Bipolar II Disorder?" CNN, "Jim Carrey on films, depression and love" Wikipedia, "Brooke Shields" The Telegraph, "Buzz Aldrin: the dark times that followed that historic flight" BP Hope, "Hollywood kid Carrie Fisher and her Best Awful" People, "Zach Braff Says He Has 'Mild Depression'" Huffington Post, "Jon Hamm Talks About His Struggle With Depression" Courtesy of Carrienelson1 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Denis Makarenko | Dreamstime Courtesy of Sbukley | Dreamstime Courtesy of Laurence Agron | Dreamstime Courtesy of Featureflash | Dreamstime Courtesy of Sbukley | Dreamstime Courtesy of Imagecollect | Dreamstime Courtesy of Randy Miramontez | Dreamstime Look To The Stars, “City of Hope” City of Hope, “About” ABC News, “The Cost Of Creativity: Bipolar Disorder and the Stars” Look To The Stars, “Peter Wentz” PR Newswire, “Pete Wentz Named UNICEF Tap Project National Spokesperson” Look To The Stars, “Mel Gibson Supports The Kidz” Look To The Stars, “Ashley Judd” Look To The Stars, “Michael Phelps” Huffington Post, “Catherine Zeta-Jones Leaves Treatment for Bipolar Disorder” Look To The Stars, “Catherine Zeta-Jones” Look To The Stars, “Jim Carrey” St. Jude, “Disease Summaries” Look To The Stars, “Brooke Shields” Look To The Stars, “Buzz Aldrin” Look To The Stars, “Carrie Fisher” Make-A-Wish, “I Wish To Meet” Saban Community Clinic, “Health Care Services” Look To The Stars, “Zach Braff” St. Jude, “St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital launches star-studded video showcasing the iconic 'Hey Jude' song” By Viva Iquique, via Wikimedia Commons By Ashley Rehnblom, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Carrienelson1 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Alan Light, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Mitchell Gunn | Dreamstime Courtesy of David Shankbone, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Noemi Nuñez, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Bojars Bojars, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Gage Skidmore from Peoria, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of gdcgraphics, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of John Bollwitt, via Wikimedia Commons
Last Updated:
July 1, 2014