- Head & Shoulders
- Head & Shoulders Intensive Treatment
- Healerz for Noses
- Healthy Mama
- Heartgard

- Heartgard Plus
- Heartshield Plus
- Heather

- Hecoria

- Hectorol

- Hederae helicis folium
- Helium
- Helixate
- Hemabate

- Hemaspan
- Hematin
- Hematogen
- Hemaway
- Hemax
- Hemlibra

- Hemoban
- Hemocyte
- Hemocyte Plus
- Hemocyte-C
- Hemocyte-F
- Hemocyte-F Elixir
- Hemofil-M

- Hemoglobin Crosfumaril
- Hemoglobin Glutamer (bovine)
- Hemoglobin Raffimer
- hemophilus influenzae B and hepatitis B
- hemophilus influenzae B and poliomyelitis
- hemophilus influenzae B, combinations with meningococcus C, conjugated
- hemophilus influenzae B, combinations with pertussis and toxoids
- hemophilus influenzae B, combinations with toxoids
- hemophilus influenzae B, purified antigen conjugated
- Hemorid
- Hemorid Cream
- Hemorid Ointment
- Hemox A
- Hemril
- HepaGam B
- Heparin

- Heparin, Combinations
- Heparinoid, Combinations
- Hepatamine 8
- Hepatasol
- Hepatasol 8
- hepatitis A immunoglobulin
- hepatitis A, inactivated, whole virus
- hepatitis B immunoglobulin
- hepatitis B, purified antigen
- Hepsera

- Heptabarbital
- Heptalac
- Heptaminol
- Herceptin

- Herceptin Hylecta

- Herpetrol
- Herplex
- Herzuma

- Hespan
- Hetacillin
- Hetacin-K
- Hetlioz

- Hex-O-Prep
- Hexa-Caine

- Hexachlorophene
- Hexadrol

- Hexafluronium
- Hexalen

- Hexamidine
- Hexapropymate
- Hexasol
- Hexatussin
- Hexetidine
- Hexi-Dip 110

- Hexidip

- Hexobarbital
- Hexobendine
- Hexocyclium
- Hexoprenaline
- Hextend
- Hexylresorcinol