CardiovascularInfo Center

At the Medicap Pharmacy® stores, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.

Worked Up About Blood Work
A blood test measuring the gamma-prime fibrinogen (a component of the blood's clotting mechanism) could help identify people at risk of heart attack, according a study from the Oregon Health & Science University.
Standard Operating Procudure Questioned
There is no direct evidence suggesting the standard practice of administering oxygen to patients during a heart attack is beneficial.
Stop Smoking, Maintain Vision?
Low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL or "good" cholesterol) and smoking appear to contribute to early-stage age-related macular degeneration (AMD), according to a recent study.
A New Spin on Safe Sex
A recent study from the University of Chicago found that sexual activity declines in the year following heart attack for patients who don't get instructions from their doctors regarding when it's safe to have sex again.
Something Else to Blame on Your Family
A diagnosis of atrial fibrillation in first-degree relatives is tied to higher atrial fibrillation risk.
Can Germs Lead to a Heart Attack?
A bacteria might play a vital role in atherosclerosis -- or hardening of the arteries – the number one killer in the U.S.