MelanomaInfo Center
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Melanoma Therapy Triggers Killing Machine
Using the perfected ability of viruses to infect cancer cells might strike some people as a cure worse than the disease. Despite that perception, this latest trend in cancer research has a lot of momentum behind it.
Advanced Melanoma may Soon Meet its Match
Melanoma, or the cancerous transformation of a mole, can be treated when caught early. Unfortunately, not all melanomas are visible, and those appearing underneath a fingernail or inside the mouth may escape notice until it's too late.
Metastatic Melanoma Rx Increases Life Expectancy
Metastatic melanoma has a recently approved treatment option - Zelboraf ( vemurafenib ). That's the good news. The even better news is that recent research has discovered this medication extends the lives of patients taking it.
Converting Cancer Cells into Tumor Killers
Prescription creams containing a compound known as i miquimod , such as Aldara , are known and approved to effectively treat some skin cancers, particularly basal cell carcinoma. New studies suggest this compound may be even more useful.
Melanoma Drug Side Effect Is Serious
Zelboraf ( vemurafenib ) was hailed as a huge breakthrough in the treatment of metastatic melanoma, the most lethal form of skin cancer. Now, serious side effects are popping up.
18-Wheeler Cancer Cells
Cancer is visualized using all sorts of imaging technologies. It can be felt by patients themselves. Even dogs are known to sniff out cancer. Now, scientists are developing yet another way to detect cancer - before it develops into tumors.
Estrogen Blockers may Block Melanoma too
More and more, we're hearing about unintended consequences and side effects of medicines that have been on the market sometimes for years. Women who have beaten breast cancer can bask in new findings about a medication most of them take.
Cancer Survivors at Greater Risk of Melanoma
Cancer patients and survivors just can't get a break it seems. Now, they have another increased risk to live with, according to newly published research.
Anti-Seizure Drugs Slow Deadly Eye Cancer
There's a huge push to find new and different uses for existing drugs. New research shows that a class of drugs used to treat seizures may be therapeutic in a deadly type of melanoma that affects the eyes.
Viagra's Role in Battling Melanoma
Viagra has been a hit in the bedroom, but it may be just as big of a hit outside of it too. New studies have shown Viagra may help suppress melanoma.