PulmonaryInfo Center
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Antibiotic Tied to Slightly Higher Heart Attack Risk
While some antibiotics may cure a bacterial infection, they also may be linked to less desirable health effects.
Tackling Trends in This Year's Flu Season
Flu season may be largely over in the US, but that only means it's time to prepare for next year. A new report considered this year's trends and next year's chances.
Yoga: No Harm, No Treatment for Asthma Patients
Asthma patients are eager to find relief, even if it means exploring options beyond mainstream clinical practices. Yoga is one alternative that asthma patients often turn to.
Strong Salt Solution Kept Congested Kids Out of the Hospital
Bronchiolitis is a common and often costly infection that frequently puts young children in the hospital. Now, it seems one treatment may help these kids avoid staying overnight at the hospital.
Shortness of Breath May Signal Serious Disease
People can experience shortness of breath at high altitudes or after intense exercise. But shortness of breath also can be a sign of an underlying health issue with serious consequences.
Flu Vaccine Effective for Kids
No vaccine is completely effective, so it's helpful to understand how effective different vaccines are when people decide whether to get vaccinated. Until now, there has been little information about the flu vaccine's effectiveness for children.
The Wide Path of a Sneeze
Germ-filled drops of liquid blow everywhere when a sneeze or cough isn't covered. Just how far those drops can blow was not known until now.
Raising Questions about Tamiflu
It's important to have as much information as possible to properly weigh the risks and benefits of medication. Sometimes it's difficult to get all that data, as has been the case with Tamiflu.
Flu Vaccine Helps Protect Kids From Major Illness
For most kids, the flu means missed days from school and bad symptoms, but for others it can spell hospital time. According to a new study, there may be a way to keep many of these kids out of the hospital.
Rare Lung Infection Might Be Growing More Common
Tuberculosis is still a concern in the US, and researchers are examining a related condition that may begin to cause more trouble.