PulmonaryInfo Center

At the Medicap Pharmacy® stores, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.

Two in One Vaccine for Kids Approved
A new vaccine approved by the FDA means children may have the opportunity to receive protection from meningitis earlier and without an extra shot.
Not Too Bad a Year for the Flu
If you were laid up with the flu this year, you didn't have as much company. This past flu season was a mild one, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Take This Shot While Pregnant
What's worse than morning sickness? How about having the flu while pregnant too? But getting your flu shot while pregnant might do more good than just preventing this miserable outcome.
Combo Drugs Not Effective for Blood Stream Infection
Patients with severe sepsis, a serious type of blood stream infection, were not found to benefit from a dual antibiotic treatment. Organ failure was not found to improve compared to those taking only one drug.
Bee Gees Singer Robin Gibb Loses Cancer Battle
Robin Gibb , singer with the rock group the Bee Gees, has died after battling colon cancer, which had spread to his liver.
Godfather of Go-Go Gone
The creator of a style of music called "go-go" - Chuck Brown - has died of complications from pneumonia. He was 75.
Big City Hospitals Act as 'Hub' for Superbugs
How do you trace the path of a superbug ? Researchers are on the trail of MRSA, a drug-resistant bacterial infection that breeds and spreads through hospitals.
Common Cold Remedy May Not be Best
Zinc is commonly sold as a remedy for the common cold, but whether its effective is controversial. A recent review of research shed some light on this debated treatment.
Texting While Vaccinating is Approved
Making sure that your child is protected from seasonal flu is important. Text message reminders may give parents that extra push to get their child vaccinated.
Wash Your Hands! Cover Your Mouth!
Want a cheap and easy way to reduce the likelihood that you or your children might catch - or pass on - at least one strain of the flu? Cover your mouth and use hand sanitizer.