Type 1 DiabetesInfo Center
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Eye Damage in Type 1 Plus Celiac
Celiac disease (a condition that damages the small intestine) may boost the risk of type 1 diabetes. But that may not be where the damage ends. Celiac disease could lead to problems down the road for diabetes patients.
No Pancreas? You Can Control Diabetes
Your pancreas is the organ that makes insulin - a hormone that plays a key role in diabetes control. Without a pancreas, controlling diabetes could be difficult; at least that's what doctors thought.
Stem Cells Could Reverse Type 1
Type 2 diabetes can often be controlled by simply eating healthy and exercising. Type 1 diabetes is a different story. Many people live their whole lives with the disease. But can type 1 diabetes be beaten?
A Type 1 Drug That Isn't Insulin
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes may have many different characteristics, but they are similar in many more ways. These similarities could mean that treatments for one type of diabetes may also be used for the other.
Twice the Babies, Twice the Insulin
Insulin medications play a key role in treating type 1 diabetes. Different patients require different doses of insulin. If a diabetic woman is pregnant, how much insulin does she need? What if she has twins?
Keep a Close Eye on Kids' Blood Sugar
Becoming a teenager is a time full of change. It can be especially difficult if you have type 1 diabetes. But even with all the changes, there is one thing that should stay the same: keeping a close eye on blood sugar.
Seeing CVD in the Eyes of Diabetics
African Americans have a higher risk of heart disease, especially if they have diabetes. Now, researchers have found a new way to predict heart disease in African American patients.
Weightlifting First Controls Diabetes
Unlike type 2 diabetes patients, people with type 1 diabetes have to be careful when they exercise. Physical activity can knock their blood sugar levels out of control.
Risky Business: Diabetic and Pregnant
Before getting pregnant, women should make sure that they are in good health. An unhealthy mother is more likely to have an unhealthy baby. This may be especially true for women with diabetes.
A Decade Ahead of Kidney Damage
Unfortunately, a good deal of diabetes patients will suffer from kidney disease. While kidney damage may be one of the more deadly complications of diabetes, it is also preventable - especially if it is spotted early.