ExerciseInfo Center

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The Good and Bad News About Teen Weight
A wide range of public health campaigns have promoted healthier behaviors for teens. These include watching TV less, eating more fruits and vegetables and drinking less soda.
Active College Students Healthier, Happier
Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for everyone. It is especially important for college students and young adults who are under stress.
Staying Fit to Fend off Illness
The risk for various health problems increases with age. But there are steps people can take to help minimize these risks, and exercise seems to be one of those steps.
A Mind-Body Approach to Teen Health
Whether in their schools, families or social circles, teenagers can face a range of pressures. School-based programs are among those aiming to ease challenges to young people's overall well-being.
Working Out Now to Help the Brain Later
The benefits to exercising can be immediate. More energy and better sleep are two. While fitness has immediate effects on the body now, fitness as a young adult can also impact the body down the line, particularly where the brain is concerned.
Exercise to Help Your Kidneys
There are many benefits to exercise, but sometimes people may not get the exercise they need due to a chronic disease. For this reason, these people may need some guidance to better reap the benefits of exercise.
Watching Children for Concussions
Concussions can happen when children play sports. When an athlete returns to the game after a concussion, the coaches and trainers may rely on the child to report their symptoms.
Working Out for Your Arthritic Spine
If you were diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, your doctor may have recommended that you watch your posture and exercise regularly. But have you followed these instructions in the same way you would your prescribed medication? Well, new findings may convince you to workout more.
Exercise Your Way to Better Sleep
As people get older, a good night's sleep can be harder to come by, but exercise may offer a restful solution.
Step Up Your Exercise for Your Bones
There are many benefits to being physically active. For older women, one of those benefits may run as deep as the bones.