ObesityInfo Center
At the Medicap Pharmacy® stores, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.
Rx May Boost Bleeding in Obese Patients
Obesity is tied to many health issues, and new evidence suggests that obese patients may face another health risk when taking a common blood thinner.
A Heavy Future Across the Pond
The US has long been a central focus of the obesity epidemic, but new data suggests that unless something is done, European nations could soon be experiencing an issue of the same weight.
A Weighty Matter for Those Wanting to Get Pregnant
Losing weight may need to be a priority for heavier women who are thinking about getting pregnant.
The Risks of Youth E-Cig Use
Experimenting is often how kids and teens learn. Experimenting with electronic cigarettes, however, may be risky.
When Exercise Alone Isn't Enough
Think running an extra mile will balance out that extra serving of ice cream? Weight loss might not be as easy as the math of calorie counting.
A New Prostate Cancer Risk Factor
Obesity is behind a number of well-known heart health problems. In black men, it may also have a profound effect on cancer risk.
Smoking and Weight Control: Misconceptions Abound
Do you believe smoking can help control your weight? If so, think again.
Getting Physical Could Fight Liver Disease
Exercise — it's good for more than just keeping the weight off.
What Being Too Thin Might Do to Your Brain
The dangers of being too heavy are well-known, but does being too thin pose any risks? In fact, it could pose some risks to your mental health.
Get the Skinny on Weight Loss Programs
Many weight loss programs make big promises, but how many can live up to the hype long-term? Unfortunately, probably not too many.