ObesityInfo Center
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Artificially Sweetened Drinks During Pregnancy
Artificial sweeteners have become increasingly common. A new study looked at the link between artificial sweetener intake during pregnancy and baby's body mass index (BMI).
How to Cut Obesity Risk
Countless studies have evaluated specific interventions to manage weight. But a new study may have found an intervention that will effectively prevent weight gain.
Child Obesity in the US: Still Growing
Over the last 30 years, obesity prevalence has increased in all age groups, a new study found. That new study looked at the trends after recent efforts to decrease obesity.
Pregnancy Problems Tied to Bigger Babies
Obesity during pregnancy and gestational diabetes may be tied to overly large babies at six months' pregnancy, a new study found.
BMI Vs. Waist Circumference for Heart Health
For predicting heart disease risk, waist circumference may be a better tool than body mass index (BMI), a new study found.
Lose Weight on Your Way to Work
Adults who cycle or walk to work may have lower body fat percentage and body mass index (BMI) in midlife, compared to adults who drive.
An In-Depth Look at Childhood Obesity
With nearly one-third of all US children ages 2 to 19 currently overweight or obese, childhood obesity has become an epidemic. Fortunately, this condition is preventable in many cases.
Weight Loss: A Little Could Do a Lot
For overweight patients, attempting to shed those extra pounds can be daunting. But even dropping a few can have profound health benefits, new evidence suggests.
Before Knee Replacement, This Surgery May Help
Getting surgery before a knee replacement may seem counterintuitive. But, for some patients, getting one type of surgery could be a cost-effective way to improve outcomes.
How BMI Affects Health
Body mass index (BMI) has recently become a way to gauge people's health in America. But new evidence suggests there may be a better way.