Ovarian CancerInfo Center

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The Weighty Issue of Ovarian Cancer
Loads of health problems have been linked to obesity in recent medical studies. Fortunately, ovarian cancer and obesity don't necessarily go hand-in-hand.
Trial Success With Ovarian Cancer Med
When chemotherapy doesn’t work, the future can look pretty bleak. But new medications to combat gene mutations that cause cancer can offer hope to patients.
Preventing Blood Clots Better Than Not
Who wants to be given a shot every single day for a month after surgery just to prevent the chance of developing a blood clot? People who really don’t want to get blood clots—that’s who.
New Strategies for Fighting Chemo Resistance
What if the odds of beating ovarian cancer could be improved by tinkering with existing chemotherapies? Tweaking chemo regimens may help patients who become resistant to initial therapies.
Ovarian Cancer? Now What?
Upon ovarian cancer diagnosis, the big question is: now what? Classification systems based on the gene profiles of ovarian tumors are in the works to help guide doctors and patients.
Possible Sign of Ovarian Cancer
What if a blood test could flag a greater risk for ovarian cancer? Testing for blood calcium levels is a pretty simple process and may someday be a helpful tool in diagnosing ovarian cancer. 
A Better, Faster, Cancer Genetic Test?
A major risk factor for breast cancer is carrying a harmful mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Finding out whether or not a BRCA gene alteration is harmful hasn’t been all that easy, though. That could be changing.
Resilient Ovarian Cancer Cells
Cancer outcomes are not black and white. There are constantly shifting variables that can change the course of disease. Scientists have scratched beneath the surface of shifts in ovarian cancer cells.
Pap Smears For More Than The Cervix?
Ovarian and uterine cancer cells can trickle down to the cervix and show up on a routine Pap smear. In the future, this additional cancer screening may be part of a normal exam.
Go Ahead, Get Ovaries Screened
Women with higher risk for ovarian cancer are encouraged to go through a rather intense screening process. Fortunately, the screening process isn’t too stressful to bear.