Ovarian CancerInfo Center

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Getting to Know Your Ovarian Cancer Type
Knowing what kind of cancer you have is not as simple as you might think. In the case of ovarian cancer, a molecular test can now find out the specifics so that your treatment can be individualized.
Taller, Heavier Ovarian Cancer Risks
Ovarian cancer is one of the most mysterious forms of the disease, because it's usually discovered quite by surprise. So any new understanding about the disease is important to know. An international study provides new clues.
Ovarian Cancer Responds!
Chemotherapy usually is most effective in attacking and killing fast-growing cancer cells. That's why it's not particularly useful in treating slow-growing ovarian cancers. Researchers are working to overcome this.
Predicting Chemo Response
One of the mysteries of cancer is its unpredictability. Sometimes chemotherapies  work, and sometimes they don't. Recent research may help physicians personalize treatment for individual patients.
Do Contraceptives Increase Your Cancer Risks?
You're taking the pill, or maybe you've tried one of the injectable contraceptives. Now you hear something about an association between birth control and cancer and you start to freak. No need to.
Endometriosis Increases Risks of Ovarian Cancer
Millions of women and girls in the United States and around the world suffer from the painful, chronic condition known as endometriosis. Recent research indicates this condition could be a risk factor for ovarian cancer.
Pinpointing Recurrent Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer can live within a woman's body for some time before showing itself. And sometimes its presence is never really felt. That's why diagnosing the disease is so tricky. Now, researchers have zeroed in on a way to detect ovarian cancer that has returned.
OTC Supplement Dims Ovarian Cancer
You know that vegetables are good for you. And cruciferous vegetables - broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts - are especially healthful. New studies are demonstrating the anti-cancer effects of an ingredient in these green goddesses.
Calculating Who's at Risk For Ovarian Cancer
It's one of the most elusive cancers and also one of the worst. Ovarian cancer has few distinct symptoms and virtually no early detection screening tests. A new program could help family practice physicians help pinpoint women most at risk.
4-Day Turnaround for Ovarian Cancer Vaccines
Women with recurrent ovarian cancer have very few treatment options. That's about to change. In the near future, women may have vaccines custom made for them to help their immune systems attack the cancer.