Skin CancerInfo Center
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Melanoma Risks Reduced Through Nutrition
Melanoma, one of the most common cancers affecting Americans, casts a shadow over people at risk for this disease. However researchers are finding new ways to lower melanoma rates.
A recent cohort study examining the use of vitamin A supplements provided evidence that may help researchers find ways to reduce melanoma rates among high-risk populations
Taking multivitamins containing Vitamin A might reduce risk of melanoma.
The author of this study was Maryam Asgari , MD, a researcher with Kaiser Permanente, a non-profit managed care consortium headquartered in Oakland, Californi...
How Melanoma Hides
The inflammation response is used by the body to signal an attack, but it turns out in at least one kind of melanoma, the cancer uses the same signal to go into hiding.
Knowing Options for Skin Cancer Surgery
For most skin cancers, a simple excision is enough. But in some cases, doctors might decide to have the cancer examined under microscope to make sure it was removed completely.
Tobacco, Gender and Oral Cancer
Following the smoke led one researcher to an interesting piece of science regarding cancer metabolism, and led her to develop a model showing likelihood of cancer recurrence.
Diabetes Combo Therapy Attacks Melanoma
Along with breast cancer, BRAF mutations are found in certain melanoma tumors. New studies suggest that a novel combination drug therapy can keep these tumors from completing their potentially deadly mission.
Anti-Cancer Combo: Caffeine + Exercise
Is coffee good for you or bad for you? More precisely, is caffeine helpful or hurtful to your health? It's been a steaming hot debate for years. A new study suggests that sipping away could nip away at your cancer risks.
Young Women Developing Melanoma
There's an alarming cancer trend. While other forms of the disease are decreasing, one type is going through the roof. Melanoma incidence is increasing in dramatic numbers among young people, and it is mostly preventable.
Melanoma Therapy Triggers Killing Machine
Using the perfected ability of viruses to infect cancer cells might strike some people as a cure worse than the disease. Despite that perception, this latest trend in cancer research has a lot of momentum behind it.
Speed Abating of Pre-Cancerous Condition
It's not skin cancer, but actinic keratosis (AK) is a condition that's headed in that direction. It can show up as one red, scaly spot or a number of lesions. And while there are a number of ways to treat AK, there are limitations, and a new prescription medication speeds up the process.
Advanced Melanoma may Soon Meet its Match
Melanoma, or the cancerous transformation of a mole, can be treated when caught early. Unfortunately, not all melanomas are visible, and those appearing underneath a fingernail or inside the mouth may escape notice until it's too late.