Skin CancerInfo Center
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UK Rebuffs Advanced Melanoma Drug
A Bristol-Myers Squibb medication that's approved in the United States and Europe for treating advanced melanoma, has been rejected by the British agency similar to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Banning Tanning Beds
California will be the first state in the nation to put a ban on minors using tanning beds. Skin cancer is a serious threat for many individulas in the short and long term.
Hair, Skin, Eyes, Moles, Family and Genes
Do blondes really have more fun? Could be, but not in the sun. Having fair skin and hair bumps up a person's risk of melanoma, the deadliest skin cancer. Scientists have found that gene errors also increase risks.
Children at Greater Risk of Invasive Melanoma
Melanoma, when caught early, is one of the more curable cancers. Once it starts to spread, though, the outlook is more serious. Sadly, children seem to be more vulnerable to the most serious form of this deadly skin cancer.
Melanoma Detection Device Gaining Approval
Dermatologists have no true test for determining if a skin lesion may be melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. A new tool is gaining approval that will give physicians more reliable information to detect the disease when it's most curable.
RA Medicines May Increase Skin Cancer Risks
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) increases a person's risk for some types of cancer such as lymphoma and lowers the risk of other types such as colon and breast. Now, it seems medications for RA increase the risk for another kind of cancer.
Stronger Muscles Survive Cancer Better
A person's overall health at the time cancer strikes does have an impact on their survival. A new study shows that this is especially true for melanoma patients of all ages.
The Vitamin D and Skin Cancer Quandry
After a host of scientific studies linking low levels of vitamin D and various diseases, here comes a study that suggests just the opposite. But maybe not. Don't you just love conflicting health news?
An Expensive Tanning Deal
Bronze, golden skin is part of the definition of American beauty. Many people have resorted to tanning beds, which seems to be accompanied by addiction and skin cancer. Researchers have found why tanners can’t stop tanning.
Bed Time's a No No
Many children and adolescents establish a great tan this summer. With school starting soon, they might be tempted to extend the tan with trips to tanning beds.