Lactose Intolerance Food AllergyInfo Center
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More Tummy Troubles for Kids with Autism
Caring for a child with autism comes with struggles, and many parents may find that stomach problems in kids may be part of those struggles.
Parents Worried Most if Child Was Allergic to Eggs, Milk
Many children are allergic to peanuts, but parents may worry most about other food allergies.
Raw Milk Not Better for Lactose Intolerance
Milk and dairy products can cause digestive problems for people who are lactose intolerant. Some people claim raw, unpasteurized milk doesn’t produce the same symptoms.
Oral Treatment for Peanut Allergy a Possibility
For parents of children with peanut allergies, the thought of their child accidentally eating a peanut can cause big concerns. But what if children could become tolerant to small amounts of peanuts?
Going for Nuts During Pregnancy
Nut allergies can be challenging to manage in children and dangerous if the allergy is severe. But it's possible mom's diet could play a role in her child's risk.
Food Allergies Linked to Early Introduction of Solid Foods
It's recommended that children do not receive solid foods before they are 4 to 6 months old. Introducing solids earlier may increase the risk of food allergies.
Don't Delay the Gluten?
More people are learning about celiac disease. Researchers have been trying to determine what makes a person more likely to develop the condition.
Egg Allergies? Fear Not the Flu Shot
Everyone is urged to get a flu shot, but what should you do if an allergy might interact with the vaccine? Risk the flu or risk the allergic reaction? For many patients, these concerns have now been addressed.
Kids' Food Allergy Care Costs Add Up
Having a child with a medical condition can often take an emotional toll on families. Yet these medical conditions can also take a significant financial toll as well.
Food Allergy from the Outside In
Kids with eczema often itch. Eczema has also been linked to food allergies for some time. New research adds some insight into how this connection happens.