Lactose Intolerance Food AllergyInfo Center

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Can't Have an Omelette, but can Still Get the Flu Shot
The flu vaccine is one vital part of reducing your risk of flu. But what if you're allergic to eggs, which are used to make flu vaccines? There's a new option for you.
Mommy's Mouth: Super Pacifier Cleaner
You're out with your baby and the pacifier falls on the ground. You pop it in your mouth to "clean" it and give it back to your baby. Can that simple act affect your baby's future allergies?
Where the US Sidewalk Ends…
Americans are are no strangers to hay fever and other allergies. Yet Americans born outside of the US may have to deal with these conditions less than those born in the US.
Putting Milk on the Map
Researchers already knew that milk allergy was common among American children. But until recently, they weren’t sure how it compared to other food allergies.
Nuts on the Plane
Traveling with peanut and tree nut allergies can be challenging.  Airplane flights can be especially difficult since nuts are so often passed out as snacks. But allergies shouldn’t keep you grounded.
Signs of Allergy Differ by Race
Even before children show signs of allergies, their body may already be reacting to allergens in the air or their food. Now, researchers have found that race may play a role in children's sensitivity to developing allergies.
Can Food Allergy Contribute to IBS?
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can cause pain, constipation and diarrhea. Those symptoms can also be caused by allergies to some foods. So, are some IBS symptoms caused by a food allergy?
Flu Shot “Egg-cellent” for Allergic Kids
While the flu vaccine lowers chances of getting the flu, there have been concerns about giving it to egg-allergic children. This group now appears to have no reaction from the treatment.
Under Your Tongue
Living with peanut allergies can be scary. Avoiding foods that might contain peanuts can be difficult but for those with severe hidden nut can be life threatening.
Is Fast Food Flaring Kids' Allergies?
It’s no surprise to find out that healthy kids eat healthy food. But what about kids who eat fast food several times per week? Can the body be allergic to junk food?