Lactose Intolerance Food AllergyInfo Center
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From Stomach Aches to Headaches
When the stomach's yearning for food, heads can start aching as well. And it can happen more often among people with stomach problems.
When Peanuts Become Weapons
"Hey little Johnny! Want some peaaaaanutttts ? They're goooooood for you! Here, touch them!" Sounds like standard child teasing, right? Unless Johnny has a serious peanut allergy.
Allergic? I Used To Be
Families with allergic children know the routine when it comes to the foods their child has reactions to: avoid, avoid, avoid. New research suggests this doesn’t always have to be the case.
Spice it Down
Toothpaste, your favorite pasta dish, a breakfast muffin and a tube of lipstick – what do they all have in common? They all contain spices that some people can be allergic to.
Putting Eggs Back in the Cake Mix
Many children with egg allergies are used to missing out on birthday cake. Once they have had a reaction to a cooked egg, their caretakers usually make them avoid all items with egg as an ingredient. That might not be necessary.
Peanuts, Pregnancy and Protection
Many women are afraid to eat nuts while they’re pregnant for fear they could cause future allergies for their baby. New research suggests they need not worry.
What Goes Down the Hatch
Food allergies can be scary. On top of that, a rare food allergy disease is making it more difficult to swallow, so what can be done to watch for it?
What’s in That Cookie?
Awareness of children’s food allergies has increased dramatically over the past few years. New research suggests that there is even more need for caregiver education about food allergies in children.
Country Kids, City Kids and Food Allergies
If you move from the city to the country, your child may have fewer classmates with peanut allergies. But if you do the reverse, chances are more classmates will have food allergies.
Gluten and Schizophrenia Linked
An inability to eat foods with gluten, like bread and rice, is frustrating enough for many people. But the condition may have further implications for women planning to have children.