ObesityInfo Center

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What Belly Fat May Mean for Your Health
If having a high waist-to-hip ratio is in your genetics, you may also have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, according to a new study.
Several Supplements May Contain Hidden Ingredients
Consumers, beware! Imported products marketed as dietary supplements for weight loss or erectile dysfunction may do you more harm than good.
The Link Between Asthma and Obesity
Children with asthma may be more likely to become obese, according to a new study.
Parental Obesity Might Affect Child Development
Dad's weight may be tied to his child's personal-social functioning, according to a new study.
For Kids, Summer May Not Be So Slim
For kids, when school's out for summer, that healthy body weight may go out the window, too, a new study found.
Should Sugary Drinks Be Taxed?
Taxing sugary drinks may lower consumption and, in turn, reduce obesity, type 2 diabetes and even tooth decay, according to a new World Health Organization (WHO) report.
Wearables May Not Mean More Weight Loss
Are wearable technologies for monitoring and tracking physical activity and diet worth it? Maybe not, according to a new study.
A New Approach to Weight Loss
A new behavioral treatment for obesity may help patients lose more weight and keep it off longer than the standard behavioral treatment, a new study found.
Weight and Gut Bacteria May Be Linked
Your size and your gut bacteria may be linked, a new study of children and teenagers found.
More Cancer Types Linked to Obesity
A new study has linked obesity to eight more types of cancer.