Skin CancerInfo Center

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Sunshine On Your Shoulders Keeps You Burning
High school girls are so adorable dressed up to the nines for prom with their beautiful tans.These teenage beauties are using a beast, however, to achieve quickie tans for the prom and summer.
New Hope for Advanced Melanoma Patients
White blood cells are the good guys, the soldiers of our immune system. They fight off disease, including cancer. But even when these cells have been specially trained to attack tumors, they haven't survived long enough to do any good against crafty, nasty melanoma cancer cells.
Lots of Money May Produce Skin Cancer
Throughout the 1990s, melanoma began to affect more and more women. However, a new study shows that women from wealthier neighborhoods have a greater chance of developing the deadly skin cancer.
Ignorance Isn't Bliss
Young people at risk of developing melanoma (including those who suntan and have relatives who have had the deadly skin disease) largely ignore sun-safety advice, according to a new study.
Shift Work May Lower Risk of Skin Cancer
While shift work has been linked to several cancers by desynchronizing the circadian rhythm (the body's internal alarm clock), it may actually reduce skin cancer risk in women .
Equal Protection
A study funded by HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine maker, Merck & Co., finds the HPV vaccine Gardasil® protects boys as well as girls against the virus.
Blocking Renegade Gene Could Stop the Spread of Cancer
Blocking a rogue gene known as WWP2 has led scientists at the University of East Anglia to better understanding of how cancer spreads -- and how to stop it.
You're Getting Ripped Off (and Cancer Too!)
According to a new study, many daily moisturizing creams that claim to offer UV protection actually lack the ingredients necessary to provide sufficient protection against UV rays.
Running Interference on Interferon-gamma
Interferon-gamma, a protein primarily used for intercellular communication by the immune system, acts as a promoter for melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.
Skip the Sun, Eat Your Veggies
Eating a diet rich in fruit and vegetables can give your skin a healthier glow than the sun, according to a study from The University of Nottingham.