Skin CancerInfo Center
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A New Rx Combo for Melanoma
There's a new cancer-fighting medication combo in town, and now it's approved to tackle advanced melanoma.
Yervoy Gets a New Use
A medication previously approved to treat melanoma that cannot be removed by surgery just got the approval it needed for another melanoma-related use.
Novel Melanoma Lesion Rx Is a Go
There's a new, first-of-its kind treatment for the deadliest type of skin cancer.
This Vitamin May Lower Skin Cancer Risk
A new discovery could change the way doctors treat patients at high risk for skin cancer.
Surgery Offers Hope for Melanoma Metastasis
In the past, melanoma that metastasized (or spread) to the abdominal organs was considered incurable. Today, surgery may be a promising treatment option.
FDA OKs Combo Skin Cancer Rx
A new FDA approval suggests that, sometimes, two medications may be better than one.
Why Lung Transplant Patients Should Watch Their Skin
A medication commonly prescribed to treat fungal infections in lung transplant recipients may wind up posing some unexpected risks.
New Rx Treats Common Skin Cancer Type
A newly approved drug may fight one of the most common types of skin cancer.
Indoor Tanning Fades, but Millions Still Risk It
At one time, many people thought indoor tanning meant a healthy glow year-round. Today, more and more people may be realizing that this isn’t so.
ED Rx: A Possible Downside
While medications for erectile dysfunction can improve men's lives, they may also carry a downside.