Skin CancerInfo Center
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Rare Type of Skin Cancer More Likely to Recur
The skin cancer melanoma comes in a variety of forms. One rare form of this cancer, called acral melanoma, may do something that other melanomas don't do.
Indoor Tanning Devices Will Have New Warnings
Many young people strive for tan skin, but this quest could put them at a risk for cancer. Health officials announced changes to how indoor tanning devices are regulated.
Without Burning, Indoor Tanning Still Poses Serious Risk
Many people use tanning booths to achieve a golden tan, believing they are avoiding burns and subsequently skin cancer by doing so. But that doesn't seem to be the case.
Single Men Might Ignore Signs of Melanoma
Skin cancer is common and has a high survival rate if detected early. A new study suggests that one group may be more likely to find out about their cancer once it's already at an advanced stage.
Indoor Tanning Popular Among Teens
Indoor tanning, much like sunbathing on a sandy beach, is a risk factor for skin cancer. The practice is particularly dangerous for younger users.
Teens Seemed to Fear Wrinkles More Than Skin Cancer
The possibility of skin cancer would seem to be a strong motivator to use sunscreen, but maybe not for young people. One new study found that teens may be more worried about how they will look as they age, rather than the possibility of cancer.
Skin Cancer Is Color Blind: Tips on Prevention
While people of color may have a lower risk for skin cancer than others, it still poses a threat and is often found at a more advanced and deadly stage in this population.
Melanoma Rising Among Middle-Aged Women
Skin cancer and melanoma are the most common malignancies in the US, and these diseases are striking Americans across all age groups. However, middle-aged people seem to be feeling the brunt of this trend.
Indoor Tanning Common in Western Countries
There has been an increasing amount of evidence on the harms of indoor tanning. Yet, it seems many people have still been partaking in the activity.
New Therapy Approved to Treat Advanced Melanoma
Melanoma, the potentially lethal form of skin cancer that can spread throughout the body, has a new enemy. The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new combination therapy.