Skin CancerInfo Center

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Do Sunscreen Labels Have You Confused?
Sunscreen and outdoor activities go hand-in-hand, especially in the summer. But when it comes to choosing a sunscreen, many people may be left in the dark.
Melanoma Rates on the Rise
After a long winter, you may be itching to head to the pool and bake in the sun. But don't grab your towel and sunglasses just yet. You may want to stay aware of the potential risks.
New Numbers on America's Most Common Cancer
The sun's rays may give you that healthy glow — but below the surface, there may be serious health risks.
Some Skin Cancers Saw Spike
As awareness about the dangers of sun exposure and skin cancer rises, the hope is that skin cancer rates will decrease. New evidence, however, suggests that rates may not be on the decline.
Melanoma on Downswing in Kids
Parents, you can breathe a sigh of relief — the sunscreen must be working. Melanoma, an aggressive form of skin cancer, appears to be decreasing in kids.
More Coffee, Less Skin Cancer
Wear sunscreen, stay inside during the hottest parts of the day and ... refill your cup of coffee? Sure enough, that fourth cup of joe has been tied to lower rates of an aggressive type of skin cancer.
Students Saving Their Hides From Indoor Tanning
That "healthy glow" you get from indoor tanning might not be so healthy — especially for people who start tanning at a young age. Fortunately, teens are less likely to tan now than they were a few years ago.
FDA Approves New Skin Cancer Rx
Bristol-Myers Squibb's new skin cancer drug has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Up in the Air, Radiation Exposure Was Higher
Pilots and cabin crew members may want to make sure sunscreen is part of their pre-flight routine.
Cancer Screening May Benefit Diabetes Patients
Diabetes patients may need to take extra precautions to lower their risk for cancer or catch it early.