TraumaInfo Center
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Scheduling Your Operation?
Despite previous concerns about doctor fatigue, new findings suggest that the risk of mortality during elective surgical procedures is not impacted by the time of day for the operation.
Pills Could Save Millions
When it comes to saving money in hospitals, a key may be medication form. Switching hospitalized patients from IV drugs to pill versions of the same medications could result in saving millions.
Who Gets CT Scan After Brain Injury?
There are documented racial disparities in health care that might extend to treatment of children as well. Pediatric minority patients are less likely to be given a CT scan after minor head trauma.
Race May Play Role in Trauma Patient Deaths
Race may play a role in surviving severe trauma. Hospitals that primarily serve minorities appear to have higher death rates when it comes to treating trauma patients.
Running Backs Aren't Running Fast Enough
Most high school football teams completed their “two-a-days” which usually includes full pads every day in the August heat. Ivy league is rethinking that notion.
Getting Your Bell Rung
With football season in full swing, it's time to get reacquainted with concussions: what to expect, how to treat and when to return to action.
Tribal Running Takes on New Strides
Occasionally, an athlete chooses to take on the track with nude feet. Barefoot running clubs are springing up all over the country. Whether this is advantageous or not is a point to debate for podiatrists.
Skull Reconstruction Helps With Deformities
After tumors or accidents, the skull may be so damaged that a helmet is required to protect the brain because few other options are available. Now a new surgical technique provides complex skull reconstruction.
Headaches Common in Women
It can take a while to get back to normal even after a mild traumatic brain injury. Regardless of severity, headaches are common in the year after such an injury.
Bloodstream Biomarkers Could Indicate Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury can't always be diagnosed as quickly as doctors would prefer. Discovering biomarkers in the blood could help them quickly and accurately diagnose it.