TraumaInfo Center
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Helmets for the Spine
Motorcycle helmets obviously reduce the risk of head and brain injuries. Now, a new study finds that helmets are also linked to a reduced risk of cervical spine injury.
Number of Falls is Falling
Mountain biking can be an exhilarating sport, but it can also lead to many types of injuries. Yet a new study reveals a dramatic decrease in mountain-bike related injuries.
Stem Cells Could Save Your Spine
Stem cells created by Athersys, Inc. have proved successful in stimulating nerve cell growth and reducing inflammation in mice after spinal cord injury.
Flying to the Rescue
A study from the University of Rochester Medical Center reveals that the survival rate of critically injured individuals is greater for those transported to trauma centers by helicopter rather than by ground ambulance.
A Wheelchair that Sees
Researchers from Florida State University and the University of Pittsburg are developing a new tool that will help those in electric wheelchairs safely navigate difficult terrain.