TraumaInfo Center
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Don't Be a Hard Head!
Hitting the slopes shouldn't involve hitting your head. Though helmets may be bulky and make hearing more difficult, wearing one can protect your noggin and your life.
Saving Face in Field Hockey
Your child athlete might think twice about wearing the helmet or the eyewear that would keep his or her head intact. But the data doesn't back them up.
Blow to the Head, No Problem?
With America well into football season, the clashing of helmets has led to some major damage and blows to the head. But high school football players aren't too upset about it.
Athletic Trainer To The Rescue
In sports, first there's the athlete. Then the coach. And finally, the athletic trainer?
Sports Fans Lash Out
Team spirit is one thing. Getting into angry rages and fights over a sporting event is another. What happens when fandom goes too far?
Wearing a Bicycle Helmet Saves Lives
Most people put on a seatbelt as soon as they get into their cars to drive somewhere. Putting on a helmet before a bicycle ride should be just as automatic. It could save your life.
Is That a Concussion?
The helmet on that athlete's head can only do so much. The short- and long-term problems from getting hit on the noggin have been laid out over the years, but diagnosing them has been a different story.
Overworked Doctors Cost Everyone
Piling work on doctors to the breaking point can harm everyone involved. Patients aren’t the only ones who lose when doctors are overworked—the hospital’s bottom line does too.
Mid-Season Shoulder Injuries
Is it better to do a quick fix or long-term solution when it comes to shoulder injuries? Doctors said it depends on the bigger picture.
Can Concussions Spark Aging?
What is the long-term price of bumps on the head and concussions? Could they contribute to premature mental aging by breaking down neural pathways?