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Post-Concussion Syndrome May Be PTSD in Disguise
Even mild brain injury is serious business. A person can experience a range of symptoms many months after having received a concussion, but those symptoms might not be what they seem.
NFL Players Returned to Play After Shoulder Surgery
One common injury for players in the NFL is tearing the shoulder joint, which requires a surgical fix. A recent study examined how long it took players to get back in the game after shoulder stabilization surgery.
After Concussion, Emotional Symptoms May Signal Other Issues
A concussion can bring about a wide variety of symptoms. These symptoms may affect any combination of physical, emotional, basic mental functioning. It seems that some types of concussion symptoms may signal risk for others.
Risk Factors for Falling Asleep at the Wheel
Falling asleep behind the wheel is a dangerous situation. Preventing such situations requires knowing what can lead to drowsy driving — a topic that researchers recently explored.
A Big Bump to the Head: Guidelines for Recovery
One of the scariest moments for a parent can be seeing their child hit their head, especially if that hit is hard. If they sustain a concussion, it's important to know so that the child gets needed recovery time.
Fireworks and Finger Loss
Celebrating Independence Day with food, fun and fireworks is an American Fourth of July tradition. And every year, emergency rooms and trauma centers nationwide become packed with patients who have lost fingers or hands due to firework misuse.
Long-Term Impact of Brain Injury
One of the most common injuries from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars has been traumatic brain injury. Researchers are still learning the long-term implications of this injury.
Drinking Behind Many Early Deaths Each Year
Drinking may be seen as a way to relax, but in some cases it can easily become a serious issue. A new study suggests that excessive drinking may be leading to many early deaths in the US.
Severe Concussion Symptoms Offered Few Clues about Recovery
A concussion can be unsettling, especially if the symptoms are severe. But severe symptoms do not necessarily mean a longer recovery.
Unpacking the Trauma of War Injuries
Traumatic brain injury has been one of the signature injuries to result from the US involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. But there is more than one way to get this injury.