TraumaInfo Center

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Falls Now Leading Cause of Spinal Cord Injuries
Spinal cord injuries are often associated with dramatic accidents, but simple falls at home could be behind an increase in these injuries.
Heads Up for Girl Soccer Players
Football isn't the only sport where concussions might  frequently  occur. Soccer players can also experience concussions.
Shouldering an Injury in High School Sports
Although much attention has focused on concussions in high school sports, shoulder injuries are common as well. And these injuries may vary by sport.
Looking Down the Road with Brain Injury
For some injuries, recovery may be a lifelong process that includes risks along the way. Traumatic brain injury may be such a condition.
Brain Injury Risk Factor for Depression in Teens
It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. And in your teens’ case, that concussion could lead to depression.
Taking Time Out After a Concussion
Despite precautions, young athletes are still at risk for experiencing concussions during sports activities. The important thing is to recover from them.
Looking at Concussions in the Long Run
As research continues to progress with Alzheimer's disease, scientists are looking for information about what might contribute to it. They recently found one possibility.
Kids Ended Up in ER After Shopping Cart Injuries
While shopping carts can be fun for kids to push and ride around in, parents should be mindful that accidents can happen.
Concussions May Be Depressing for Teens
Doctors have long suspected a link between depression and head injuries. A recent national study looked at this possible link in teenagers.
High Chairs May Mean Farther Falls
Since toddlers' high chairs are higher than regular chairs and are often used in kitchen and dining areas where the floors are hard, falls from a high chair are more apt to cause injury. Learning about such falls could help prevent them.