ExerciseInfo Center

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For Older Women, Healthy Habits Pay Off
For older adults, maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine can be important. For muscle mass loss, it may be crucial.
Why Some PAD Patients Should Take a Walk
Got peripheral artery disease (PAD)? A simple, at-home activity may help you get your mobility back.
There's No Place Like Home — To Grow Old
For those in midlife, lifestyle choices made now may have a major impact on living long and staying independent later in life.
Concussions May Exact Long-Term Toll on Football Players
Football is a violent sport. Although most football-related injuries heal, one particular injury — concussion — may lead to major mental issues later in life.
Seniors Need to Work out, Too
For some older men, living longer may be as simple as getting off the couch and moving.
The Benefits of Prenatal Exercise
Pregnancy calls for kicking those swollen feet up and simply trying to relax, right? Maybe not. Moms-to-be might not need to be so fast to slow down.
Not Just a Bump on the Head: Football and Concussion
Young athletes may face a risk of concussion more often than expected.
When Exercise Alone Isn't Enough
Think running an extra mile will balance out that extra serving of ice cream? Weight loss might not be as easy as the math of calorie counting.
Getting Physical Could Fight Liver Disease
Exercise — it's good for more than just keeping the weight off.
What Being Too Thin Might Do to Your Brain
The dangers of being too heavy are well-known, but does being too thin pose any risks? In fact, it could pose some risks to your mental health.