TraumaInfo Center

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Watching Head Injury Without CT
Head injuries are scary for parents. Hundreds of thousands of children go to the hospital each year for head injuries but fortunately, few of those injuries are serious.
More than a Helmet for Head Protection
It may be impossible to entirely avoid head collisions  in football, but it is possible to minimize them, at least for young football players. Minimizing head collisions can save young athletes from concussions and other heavy knocks to the noggin .
Spotting and Managing Concussions
Concussions can be scary and confusing, but usually they leave no long-term damage if they are treated quickly.
Is Country Mouse or City Mouse Safer?
If rural roads and cornfields beckon your soul, you may think the usually slower pace of life in the country is a safer place to live than in the bustling city. But you might be surprised.
Kapow! NHL Still Getting Hit to the Head
A lot of hockey fans follow the game for the hard hitting action. The last few seasons may not have appeared as violent, but the pros are still getting a good knocking to the head.
Sports Injuries Strike Again
Sports are a great way for kids to get exercise and have fun. But sometimes young athletes get hurt.
No Helmet Brand Beats the Competition
Head injuries and concussions are almost a given in American football. Is there some brand of equipment that can protect the heads of young athletes better than others?
It's All Fun — Until Someone Gets Hurt
Riding all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) has become more popular in the past three decades. Among children, however, injury rates remain high.
Fireworks Fun and Safety
Skies lit up with fireworks often mark a July 4th holiday. It’s the on-the-ground activity surrounding those festivities that can be cause for serious concern.
Seat Belts Save Lives — Even Unborn Ones
It may seem inconvenient to get a seat belt around your belly while you're pregnant. But during pregnancy, wearing a seat belt is even more important if you're in an accident.