CancerInfo Center
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Cancer Cells' Diet Determines Aggressiveness
Just as the old saying goes, "You are what you eat," scientists have now learned that what cancer cells eat predicts how aggressive they are. These new findings can be used to offer better and more personalized cancer treatment.
New Hope for Advanced Melanoma Patients
White blood cells are the good guys, the soldiers of our immune system. They fight off disease, including cancer. But even when these cells have been specially trained to attack tumors, they haven't survived long enough to do any good against crafty, nasty melanoma cancer cells.
Canola Oil Protects Against Colon Cancer
Olive oil seems to be promoted as one of the healthiest oils. Flaxseed oil too. But ordinary canola oil is now being promoted as a cancer-fighting hero that's a healthy choice for everyday cooking.
Smoking Makes Cancer Worse
Smoking not only hurts your lungs but also your kidneys. People who smoke raise their risk of kidney cancer, and those who keep smoking may be making the cancer worse.
What Popular Diets Help Prevent Cancer?
Being overweight or obese does increase the risk of developing cancer. So losing the pounds is a good idea.
But experts at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center say some popular diets are healthier and more effective in fighting cancer than others.
Some Prostate Cancers Don't Need to be Treated
Men aged 65 and older who are diagnosed with a low-risk form of prostate cancer don't need to jump right into treatment. Delaying surgery and radiation doesn't pose added risk of death as long as the cancer is closely monitored.
What's Up With Breast Cancer, Doc?
Mothers were definitely on to something when they made kids eat carrots, and that sweet potato casserole wasn't just for the yummy melted marshmallows on top.
ACE Inhibitors May Fuel Breast Cancer Recurrence
If you're a breast cancer survivor and are taking ACE inhibitors for your heart, you may want to talk to your doctor. New findings suggest that ACE inhibitors increase the risk of breast cancer returning.
Boning Up for Menopause Helps Colons
Women trying to treat their menopause symptoms with hormone replacement therapy drugs have heard for years of the potentially terrible side effects they can cause. However, some medications not only treat one ailment, but might even prevent another.
A Majority Of Men with BPE Have Sleep Apnea
A new study indicates that men with Benign Prostate Enlargement (BPE) experiencing frequent night time bathroom visits may additinally have sleep apnea issues.