CancerInfo Center

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Pictures of Health?
Cardiac imaging following a heart attack has been linked to an increased cancer risk because of the exposure to low-dose radiation, according to a new study.
Trade in the Blue for the Black
While blueberries and blackberries offer myriad health benefits, including high levels of antioxidants, prices can be prohibitively expensive. Black rice may offer a more affordable, comparatively healthful alternative.
Economic Development Doesn't Always Mean Better Health
A new report from the American Cancer Society suggests cancers associated with lifestyle choices -- including colorectal, breast and lung cancers -- will continue to rise in developing nations unless preventive measures are put in place.
Aggressive Form of Breast Cancer Linked to Gene Mutation
A new study from Tufts University School of Medicine finds why individuals who inherit a particular family of mutations have a higher risk of developing a very aggressive form of breast cancer.
Un-Zombified Leukemia Cells
A team of University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers has successfully completed the first reprogramming of blood cells obtained from a patient with leukemia.
Bowel Cancer Stats: Room for Improvement
A multicenter observational study involving more than 31,000 patients in 346 German hospitals provides a basis for improving care for patients with bowel cancer.
Stress Causes Cancer
German scientists have discovered how stressed cells boost production of thrombin, a protein that causes blood to clot, which is an overproduction factor that is linked to cancer.
Golden Opportunity
Gold nanoparticles loosely attached to an anti-cancer drug begin accumulating deep inside tumors minutes after injection and can be activated for effective treatment within two hours, according to new research.
Certain Vaccines May Help Guard Against Childhood Cancer
Children vaccinated against hepatitis B might be at a lower risk of developing leukemia, according to a new study.
The Uncertain Future
Recent ethical controversy concerning human embryonic stem cell research has created an environment of uncertainty that is impacting scientists who work with stem cells, according to a new survey.