CancerInfo Center
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Is Anti-Estrogen Therapy Also Anti-Lung Cancer?
The anti-estrogen drug (tamoxifen) that helped transform breast cancer treatment may also reduce the risk of dying from lung cancer, according to a new study.
Smoking May Increase Breast Cancer Risk
The association between smoking tobacco and lung cancer is inextricable, but it may also increase risk of breast cancer, according to a new study.
Blocking Renegade Gene Could Stop the Spread of Cancer
Blocking a rogue gene known as WWP2 has led scientists at the University of East Anglia to better understanding of how cancer spreads -- and how to stop it.
You're Getting Ripped Off (and Cancer Too!)
According to a new study, many daily moisturizing creams that claim to offer UV protection actually lack the ingredients necessary to provide sufficient protection against UV rays.
New Therapy May Halt Prostate Cancer
A new RNA therapy has been shown to prevent prostate-cancer stem cells from replicating, thanks to new research from University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.
The Biology of Blood Cells
New research has examined the crucial steps involved that turn brand new blood cells into immune cells or red blood cells, and how disruptions to this process can lead to blood diseases like leukemia.
Running Interference on Interferon-gamma
Interferon-gamma, a protein primarily used for intercellular communication by the immune system, acts as a promoter for melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.
Game Changer: Leukemia More Complex than Thought
Researchers at Ontario Cancer Institute (OCI) and collaborators at St Jude Children's Research Hospital are challenging the conventional view of how leukemia progresses.
Screen Test for Liver Cancer: Ready for Your Close-Up?
Patients with cirrhosis are at higher risk of developing a form of cancer known as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
Mutated Gene Appears in One of Three Kidney Cancer Patients
Scientists have pinpointed a gene (PBRM1) that is mutated in approximately one out of three patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC), the most common form of kidney cancer.